torsdag 28 juni 2012

it's just all so sad

I'm sitting at the office writing on my internship report for NHTV. I'm finishing it up with a conclusion. The conclusion is suppose to be a thank you to the company, and the experience I have had in London and during my placement period, and it just makes it all feel sad. In my writing I have to write like I'm not here anymore. Like I'm sitting by my desk in my room typing on my laptop.

Tomorrow it's my last day at the office, and I know I will still be in London until August but it makes me think how fast time has flown. My placement will be over tomorrow, and I will probably never sit behind this desk again.

I have 6 weeks left in London, and the first two will be filled with stressful report writing until I can finally relax and have some summer holiday. I want that day to come, but at the same time not cos that means I only have four weeks left in England. 

What do you do when you have found happiness but are  forced to leave?
I have found a life in London, the London life, and it suits me.
It seems like the only thing I do is saying 'Goodbye' to people I love.
Like I am always leaving. 
Why can't we just all live on one island?

måndag 25 juni 2012

when its done its done

if live wasn't crazy before I have definitely made it worse. Wasn't enough that I lost my laptop, and that I still haven't got a new one? Obviously not, since I have looked wrong at my Uni deadlines..aaah! Instead of four weeks until they are due it is 3 2sec I lost a week of work and I right now have no idea how to pull this off.

I had so many things I wanted to do which I can't or just have to wait. I have to force myself into becoming a muscle and not to tempt myself into socializing with anyone. It's gonna be five days of just writing. Listening to music and writing. Not talking to anyone, just writing!
Looking forward to my four day break for the weekend with my parents and the people I love the most. Fingers crossed my report will by done by then otherwise it will be some long nights when everybody else is sleeping. Gosh! Why am I doing this to myself?

Ok, life isn't too bad. Had a lovely study break on Saturday for a day out with these lovely people at Radio 1's Hackney weekend.

Hm...I think this one was taken during the performance of Swedish House Mafia :)

fredag 15 juni 2012

Time to show your true colours

Tonight its time to show your true colours. I know that I'm absolutely in love with both London and the UK, but I will always be a Swede.
And tonight I will be a proud Swede when Sweden crushes England in the Euro 2012.

Come on Sweden and show them what we are made of!

torsdag 14 juni 2012

holiday snaps

even if I hate being on pictures I somehow managed to be caught on some during our holiday to beautiful Tenerife.

tisdag 12 juni 2012

How things can change

Just nu känns det som att jag inte kan hålla i verkligheten. Jag håller ett hårt tag om den, men den förändras och jag förstår inte varför. Visst med tiden blir man äldre och man utvecklas och ändras, men inom loppet av några veckor, dagar, timmar.....hur funkar det? Hur är det möjligt? Är det så svårt att leva efter vad man en gång sagt? Ska allt bara komma från ett håll?

Är det rättvist att en ger och den andra bara tar. Den lycka som infinner sig när man får ett leende tillbaka, när man får bekräftelse. Varför ska det vara så svårt? Hur kan man ena stunden sitta och skratta och ge utav sig själv för att sedan vara främlingar. Är känslor så skrämmande?

Som sagt det krävs två för att dansa tango.